Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Racism And Sexism Is Entrenched In The Media

My hero Hugo has a great piece on the racist/sexist Don Imus scandal. Here is a quote:

"Listening to right-wing talk radio yesterday, I heard a few folks doing their best to deflect attention from Imus by attacking the degrading portrayal of women in hip-hop culture. I winced as I heard that, largely because the hosts (John and Ken here in Los Angeles) seemed less interested in defending the dignity of black women, and more in absolving a fellow white male talk-show personality."

I think thats a very good point Hugo!

Men need to do much more in society to defend the dignity of women, even though women are equal to men of course, not that I meant to imply otherwise because I'm sure women are quite capable of defending their own dignity.


If men were to defend the dignity of women more then perhaps they wouldn't keep going wild under the influence of the evil patriarchy! Does that sound right? (I'm confused)

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