Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Don't Let The Sexist Bigots Win!

Today, whilst surfing the net I came across something new which first made me excited, then shocked, and finally saddened.

The Bloggers Choice Awards

Having awards for the best bloggers is something that is most overdue and I can't wait till someone nominates me when they create a "Fake Goody TwoShoes Gender Activist" category.

But dear readers, my heart sank when I checked the political section only to find that a barbaric MRA blog was in the lead over

Whatever you do, do not go here and vote for this Angry Harry thought crime perpetrator!

And to make matters even worse, the comments section of the feministing vote page is overrun with these insufferable brutes and their hilarious sexist screed.



Luke Skywalker said...

Captain Save'Aho:

I have another blog that you should avoid like the plague:

This blog tells Western men to go off to Siberia and Poland in order to find girlfriends and wives, and we can't have that.

And it is also very antifeminist in other ways, too.

Anonymous said...

Do you even have a set of nutz, trader and pussy
Peter Tarbat

Fidelbogen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I am really uncertain if you are serious or not. I counseled more than 1,600 divorced and unwed fathers between 1984 and 1993. I encountered some of the stupidest men on the planet.

Yet, if you are serious, and I find it hard to believe, you have taken male stupidity to unimaginable levels, far beyond my experience.

However, if you are serious, good for you. While the feminists are ripping out your privates, they will be distracted from the rest of us.


Anonymous age 65

Anonymous said...

Acquaintances assure me this is a parody blog. Well, if I didn't know men like this, it would be obvious.

Anon age 65

Captain Save'Aho said...

anonymous 07:44 said...
"While the feminists are ripping out your privates, they will be distracted from the rest of us."

I would love a feminist to "rip out my privates" and do incredibly naughty things with them.

And by 'feminist' I mean a female feminist, not a male feminist like myself of course. Not that I am in any way predjudiced against bi, lesbian, gay or transgender people ripping about with other peoples privates it's just that I would prefer a female feminist to do the manipulations.

And I'm sure that as soon as some oppressed and victimized women find this blog they will realize I'm ON THEIR SIDE and will sleep, sorry, go out with me.

Anonymous said...

You do know that Schwyzer's married, right?

Anonymous said...

El Capitan.
Your unique style of clever and subversive humour has been noted on . Please drop by if you you have the time.

Links could be arranged for mutual benefit :-)

Faustus said...

Anonymous age 65:

"Acquaintances assure me this is a parody blog. Well, if I didn't know men like this, it would be obvious."


After returning to this page and convulsing for another 7 minutes over the sheer idiotic corollary of it all, along with its content and writing style, my guess is it has to be our very own purveyor of parody, Niceguy.

*ulp* Now I did it!

Anonymous said...

hey pussy pants, do me a favour and add my blog to your list.

Anonymous said...

Age 65, this site is anti feminist.y

Anonymous said...

At last! I have been longing for a place where Gender Justice advocates such as myself could foregather ourselves together and chant hymns of praise to Gaia! I feel as though I'm coming home! A snappy salute to you, Captain Save'aho! I'm presenting myself for consideration as a foot soldier on the side of the pink Light in the ongoing struggle against the Patriarchal jackals. You know who you are! I vow that no lie shall be too mean, no subterfuge too shabby, no obvious and inescapable logical incoherence too embarrassing for me to repudiate! Lift high that banner, Brothyrs and Sistyrs, and let us charge forward toward our glorious goal--Matriarchal Nirvana!

Though not an eloquent man, I have been moved by emotions too deep for easy expression to pen the following ode:

A feminist scholar from Yale
Grew disgusted by everything Male,
Now she's licking vagina
Down in South Carolina,
And fingering nipples like Braille!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for confirming my masculinity by making me out to be a "Bad Guy" to avoid. Wow I would have been seriously offended if I had not been so identified. I guess I can go back to my knuckle dragging activities and beating my Wife.


Anonymous said...

Those morons who posted angry comments made me laugh hard.

Hey retards, you wouldn't even recognise sarcasm/satire if it took a shit on you.

I see these kinds everywhere, in various forums. The dense ones 'don't know if you're for real or not'. The really stupid ones lash out in anger. Fairly predictable.

Really makes me wonder what school these imbeciles have attended.

Anonymous said...

Hey he may be a self hating male, but at least he's been quiet for two years, so he has one virtue.

Anonymous said...

Captainsaveaho ass nikka