Thursday, 19 April 2007

What Does A Feminist Look Like?

Want to know what a feminist looks like?

Click this link.

Bet that surprised you didn't it?

Yep, that's Ashley Judd, the beautiful star of wonderful movies such as... ahh, well whatever they're called I'm sure they must be wonderful.

She is an incredibly brave activist for human rights. Recently she was quoted as saying:

"It's unconscionable to breed with the number of children who are starving to death in impoverished countries. I know it's a strong opinion a lot of people won't agree with and that's not to say some day I might not feel a different

Now that's what I call bravery. Mind you she can always leave it to the last minute to get pregnant what with all the advanced IVF treatments these days so if a 'different impulse' comes along then that's cool. Women are allowed to change their positions 180 degrees without being called hypocrites thank you very much.

Want to know what a male feminist looks like?

Click this link.

Oops, sorry. Wrong one.

Click this link instead.

There you go manginas men. Don't be afraid to show support for the oppressed and victimized half of the human race. Apart from all the taxpayers money that goes to helping women they need our moral support as well.


Anonymous said...

Curiosity, one day I went to read that Hugo mangina...

It disgusted me.

How can someone have so much self guilt, so much self disgust.

From what I read I can easily say that there is something drastically wrong with the manginas, some kind of perversion.

The road they take cannot be explained by wanting to please women, trying to hit a higher level of being, and definitely not by philosophy.

Feminists I understand somehow, hatred against men etc... They are women - feminist men are named manginas at this day - so are easy to manipulate and as they decide with emotions, are easy to be driven in some direction.

Manginas on the other hand, as being men, must have a interesting basis on hating manliness this much.

I believe, a macho, a man, a confident man, can never be a mangina, because he has too much self respect.

Captain Save'Aho said...

Well, being a sensitive new age gentleman I respect your opinions Ze German.

But you really do sound like a bit of a 'sour kraut' to me. Calling me or other men 'manginas' is just acid off this ducks back. Sticks and stones etc. And anyone who has to brag about how 'macho' he is over the internet must have 'issues'.

But just you wait! This blog is going to get me laid more than you could ever dream of.


Martin said...

Luckily this race of men is pretty much died out in my homecountry.

A funny read. :)

Anonymous said...

Is that tattoo yours Mr Captain Save'Aho?

Captain Save'Aho said...

Luka said...
"Is that tattoo yours Mr Captain Save'Aho?"

Certainly not Luka!

A sensitive and caring man such as myself would never stoop to having his body decorated with such a sexist statement even if it did make me chuckle for a moment before I chastised myself.

Tom Leykis fan said...

Haha, good blog.

Anonymous said...

Captain save'aho,

The birthrate is below replacement in every European country, Russia, Brazil, Argentina, Japan (dangerously low), New Zeland, Canada, Australia, and amongst whites in America.

We have to have a birthrate of 2.1 children per female to replicate ourselves. Spain's birthrate is 1.29, almost literally halfing the size of the breeding generation EACH GENERATION.

Put simply..........if you put 100 people on an island, 50 men and 50 women, and they only have one kid apiece, you get 50 kids in the next generation.

If it happens again, you get down to 25, with one unlucky person left out. If it happens again.......12.

This math would work in less than 100 years as women's breeding years are generally only around 20 years long (20-40).

In other words, dont feel bad about having a kid of your own man. Some of us have to, unless you want to live under sharia law because the muslims are guaranteed to keep having as many as they can. Dont let the West, which has civiized the world, die out. Civilization is worth keeping, the alternative, sharia law or the caste system, or totalitarianism (China) is too horrible to contemplate.

Punk said...

"Abusive fathers are far more likely than nonabusive parents to fight for child custody, not pay child support, and kidnap children." [White, Ann C., The Florida Bar Journal, Vol LXVIII, No. 9, citing Hansen, Marsali, and Michele Harway, Battering and Family Therapy 175 (1993); Grieg, Geoffrey L. and Rebecca Hegar, "Parents Whose Children Are Abducted by the Other Parent: Implications for Treatment," 19 American Journal of Family Therapy 215, 221 (1991); Zorza Joan, "Protection for Battered Women and Children," 27 Clearing House Rev. 1437 (1994).]

Anonymous said...

At 39 she is basically too old to have children of own although costly medical treatment might still get her pregnant for another five years.
That's a shame, because in 20 years I would like to screw her daughter.

Fidelbogen said...

Captain, here is another blog for you to avoid like the plague. is HORRID!

Captain Save'Aho said...

Thank you for bringing that "counter-feminist" blog to my attention Fidelbogen. As you say, it truly is HORRID!

Have no fear, I shall avoid it like yet another plague.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cap'n, I've got a question for you that's been nagging me for quite some time. Perhaps you could devote a blog entry to the question and ask Hugo his opinion?

Naturally, we all want to avoid being filthy filthy rapists and we all know the rule "no means no".

But alas, things aren't so simple:

Not only does "no" mean "no", but "maybe" also means "no". And an implied "yes" should be presumed "no" as well.

Basically, "yes" doesn't mean "yes" unless it's enthusiastic, because an unenthusiastic "yes" was probably coerced and doesn't count.

So here's the quandary:

What if a woman's enthusiastic "yes" WAS ALSO COERCED??

How are we, stupid meatheaded men, supposed to know the difference between "uncoerced enthusiastic yes" and a "non-coerced enthusiastic yes"?

Or maybe it's easier to assume that all men are rapists no matter what the woman says?

Anonymous said...

The likes of hugo are a paradox.

They dont seem to recognise/acknowledge the irony.

The irony is that a MAN is speak in defence of woman.

The irony is that it takes a man to promote womens independence.

The irony is that he has brought into and is perpetuating a gender stereotype fairytale notion, which contradicts feminism.

He is essentially playing the knight in shinny armour to, the champion of, damsels in self induced mental distress.

It is a paradoxically a testament to his NEED to FEEL like a protector and women's NEED to FEEL protected.

These sort of people are fantastically entertaining. They are so deeply ensconsed in their delusions and denials. It makes for the sort of self paradoy that a creative genius could barely write about.

Ultimately one can only larf at these people. They would yell at the sun for being too hot. They would yell at their delicate skin because it got burnt when they didnt cover up under a hot sun.

They would ultimately yll at their bottoms for producing disgusting smells.

Thanx for the show hugo.

Anonymous said...

No the average feminist is a hairy fat ugly lesbian man hating pig.

Anonymous said...

I think this guy is a parody of what actual manginas think like. Maybe he has many friends like that or just warning us how disgusting these morons are. (Unlikely)


He actually believe in what he says and is truly a mangina. (Most likely)

If the later is correct, then don't worry soon that "blogs I read" and "Blogs I avoid like plague" will swap places. Most manginas think they have it all figured out, until the day they face injustice and abuse from the same evil femicunts whom he always believed so passionately.

Ur day will come.