Wednesday, 21 February 2007

Single Mother Victimized For Giving Sex Education!

State Traumatizes North Adams Girl to "Protect" Her

Here we see another example of the patriarchy at "work". Using something as normal as having sex in front of a 9 year old girl as a way of oppressing single mothers and stealing their children from them.

This sort of thing makes me SO MAD!!!

Why don't these Judges and social workers wake up and realize this isn't 1950 anymore. Maybe they could enlighten themselves by reading Laura's blog. Especially the sex education entry.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


I want to be a Captain Save' Aho

Anonymous said...

Seriously! How dare these chauvist pigs take away the right for a single mother to have sex with her skeezy boyfriend in front of her child! You know what? Let's get together and petition and rally for sex education to be bumped up a notch!
